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Hutchison/MRC Research Centre Seminars

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Seminars covering all aspects of cancer cell biology and translational cancer research.

These occasional seminars are organised by the Hutchison/MRC Research Centre and often feature visiting researchers, who are being hosted by members of the Centre.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Dr Ireena Dutta. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

0 upcoming talks and 9 talks in the archive.

The Hippo Tumor Suppressor Network: Identifying New Therapeutic Targets

Host: Dr Anna Philpott

UserProfessor Cathie Pfleger, Department of Oncological Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA.

HouseL1 Meeting Rooms, Hutchison/MRC Research Centre, Addenbrooke's Campus.

ClockThursday 03 July 2014, 15:00-16:00

Regulation of p53-dependent gene expression in vivo

UserProf James J. Manfredi, Department of Oncological Sciences, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA.

HouseL1 Meeting Rooms, Hutchison/MRC Research Centre, Addenbrooke's Campus.

ClockTuesday 06 August 2013, 15:00-16:00

CD66+/Notch high cells in human cervical tumours: linking papillomavirus life cycle to cancer progression

UserProfessor Sudhir Krishna, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, CIMR, Level 7.

ClockThursday 18 July 2013, 15:00-16:00

Nischarin, a novel tumor suppressor of breast cancer

UserProf Suresh K. Alahari, Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, Louisiana State University, USA..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, CIMR, Level 7.

ClockMonday 06 February 2012, 14:00-15:00

The pro-oncogenic role of Notch signaling in human epithelial cancer stem-like cells

UserSudhir Krishna, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, CIMR, Level 7.

ClockThursday 09 September 2010, 15:00-16:00

Intracellular and Extracellular Functions of Par-4: A Paradigm for Cancer Selective Apoptosis

UserVivek M. Rangnekar, Markey Cancer Center, University of Kentucky.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, CIMR, Level 7.

ClockThursday 05 November 2009, 15:00-16:00

BubR1 acetylation: a molecular switch modulating APC/C activity

UserHyunsook Lee, Seoul National University , South Korea.

HouseSeminar Room 5, Clinical School, Addenbrooke's Hospital.

ClockMonday 07 September 2009, 16:00-17:00

Protein quality control in stress management and regulation

UserProf Randolph Hampton, University of California, San Diego.

HouseCRI Lecture Theatre.

ClockTuesday 14 October 2008, 13:15-14:15

The ATM-Mediated DNA Damage Response- CANCELLED

UserYossi Shiloh, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

HouseVenue to be confirmed.

ClockTuesday 09 September 2008, 15:30-16:30

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