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British Epigraphy SocietyAdd to your list(s) Send you e-mail reminders British Epigraphy Society Conference – Inscriptions and Construction Saturday 20th November: Old Library, Darwin College, Cambridge British Epigraphy Society Conference – Inscriptions and Construction Many of the inscriptions from the Greek and Roman worlds are related to the processes of constructing those worlds: the naming of benefactors, awarding of contracts, listing construction work still to be done, laying out of plans, etc. Such inscriptions play a crucial role not just in revealing the processes of ancient building and the socio-economic worlds of those involved in building them, but also in the formation of the perception and meaning of the structures themselves, as well as of the politics and economics that surrounded them at the time of their construction, repair and eventual decay. Programme 10.30 -11 am Coffee and Registration 11-11.45 Robert Pitt, Assistant Director, British School at Athens ‘Syngraphai: inscribing construction at the Temple of Zeus at Lebadeia’ 11.45-12.30 Ed Bispham, Brasenose College, Oxford ‘Building Reputations: the epigraphy of construction in Late Republican Italy’ 12.30 – 1.30 Lunch 1.30 – 2.20 AGM 2.20 – 2.30 Short Break 2.30 – 3.15 Marietta Horster, University of Mainz ‘The reliability of Latin building inscriptions’ 3.15 – 3.45pm Tea 3.45-4.30 Stephen Mitchell, University of Exeter ‘The Buildings of Roman Ankara – texts, monuments and material remains’ 4.30 – 5pm Short Reports:
Robert Pitt: ‘A new archaic halter from the theatre at Sparta’
Colloquium fees Registration including tea, coffee, and the sandwich lunch: 10.00 pounds (BES, AIEGL members and student non-members), 5.00 pounds (BES student members), 20.00 pounds (non-members). Registration without lunch: 7.50 pounds (BES, AIEGL members and student non-members), 2.50 pounds (student members), 17.50 pounds (non-members). To reserve a place at the colloquium and a sandwich lunch, please contact Dr Michael Scott by email (mcs45@cam.ac.uk) or by post (to Darwin College, Cambridge, CB3 9EU ), by Monday 15th November at the latest and include details of any special dietary requirements. Please note that you will be signed in for the lunch unless you say that you do not want this. Please pay all fees due on the day in pounds during registration. — Dr. Michael C. Scott Affiliated Lecturer, Faculty of Classics and Moses and Mary Finley Fellow in Ancient History, Darwin College, Cambridge, CB39EU Email: mcs45@cam.ac.uk Tel +44 (0) 1223 762942 Fax +44 (0) 1223 335667 www.michaelcscott.com