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Cambridge University Bahá'í Society

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Mission Statement: The Cambridge University Bahá’í Society (CUBS) is a welcoming space for undergraduate and postgraduate students and staff of all faiths and backgrounds. It aims to provide a forum for members of the University to explore the Writings of the Bahá’í Faith and reflect upon their relevance to contemporary issues. The Bahá’í Society also provides opportunities for community service and involvement in interfaith activities with other University societies. The founding principles of the Bahá’í Faith include the oneness of humankind, oneness of religion, equality between men and women, universal education, and eradication of extremes of wealth and poverty.

Aims and Objectives:
  • To create a space for the exploration of Bahá’í principles and their potential practical implications, primarily through engaging fellow students and staff in the educational process associated with the Bahá’í Training Institute. This process seeks to raise capacity in individuals, communities and social institutions to contribute effectively to the spiritual and material transformation of society.
  • Commensurate with available resources and where appropriate, learn about contributing to prevalent discourses concerned with the betterment of society in various social spaces of the University.
  • Cooperate with other religious groups and societies at the University in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship.
Some principles of the Bahá’í Faith:
  • Recognition by all of the oneness of humanity
  • Abandonment of all forms of prejudice
  • Acknowledgement of the equality of women and men
  • Recognition of the unity and relativity of religious truth
  • Elimination of the extremes of wealth and poverty
  • Promoting universal education
  • Striving for universal peace
  • The establishment of a world federation
  • The adoption of a universal auxiliary language
  • The recognition that true religion is in harmony with both reason and the pursuit of scientific knowledge
  • Independent investigation of truth by every individual

For more information visit our website.

All of our talks and events are free and open to the public.

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Each talk has an organiser. Please contact them in the first instance if you have a query about a particular talk. Only contact one of the people below if you have a question about the list, such as whether your talk or series could be added.

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