Talks on 2013/10/14
Monday 14 October 2013
- 10:00 - Welcome and Overview Talk by the Organisers
- 10:00 - Welcome and Overview Talk by the Organisers
- 11:30 - The classical entropy of quantum states
- 12:30 - Margaret Mead as a mid-20th century public intellectual
- 12:30 - The Installed Base Effect in the Diffusion of Solar PV Technology in the UK
- 12:45 - Venereology at the Polyclinic, 1899-1914.
- 13:00 - New constraints on interacting dark energy and modified gravity models from Planck+Constraints on Dark Radiation and Dark Energy
- 13:00 - The illustration and publication of Robert Morison's History of Plants (1672–99)
- 13:00 - Diapycnal transport in the ocean overturning circulation
- 13:00 - Venereology at the Polyclinic, 1899-1914
- 14:00 - The complexity of Kronecker Coefficients
- 14:15 - Terahertz Heterodyne Spectrometer using a Quantum Cascade Laser
- 15:00 - Effective diffusion for nonlinear reactive flows in strong convection regime
- 16:00 - How children's cognitive abilities vary: methods for understanding individual differences
- 16:30 - Imaging Neuronal and Behavioural Activity in the Freely Moving Animal: What are they looking at?
- 16:30 - Imaging Neuronal and Behavioural Activity in the Freely Moving Animal: What are they looking at?
- 17:00 - Countering Homophobia Through Research and Film
- 17:00 - Of Cats, Cathedrals and Crusaders: Rethinking Approaches to ‘Heritage’ through Representations of Restoration in Cyprus
- 17:00 - American History Seminar
- 17:00 - I (want to) know what you did last summer!
- 17:00 - What is Liberalism?
- 17:00 - Quantum Shannon Theory: Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture
- 17:00 - The city stripped bare by her histories, even: 1948 Berlin film
- 17:15 - Planning a Peaceful Global Revolution
- 18:00 - Physics, Chemistry,Materials Science and Biology from the Schrodinger Equation
- 18:00 - Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology, from the Schrodinger Equation.
- 20:00 - The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets
- 20:30 - God, as you know, is a Trinity man, but is She a mathmo?
- 21:00 - Book Sale